Theoretical research projects

2017 - 2021: Modality effects and individual differences in language processing

with Alastair Smith (2017-2019), Florian Hintz (2019-2021), Caroline Rowland and Antje Meyer - Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics & Radboud University

In my PhD I investigated how presentation of information in the written and spoken modality influences language processing, and how differences in individual's written language experience may influence language processing. You can read about this project in more detail here.

2015-2017: Differences between oral and silent reading

with Madelon van den Boer and Peter de Jong - Child Development and Education Department at the University of Amsterdam

In this project we aimed to understand differences between two types of reading: oral or aloud reading, and silent reading. More information on the project and the studies can be found here.

2016-2018: Reading and listening comprehension: overlapping or modality-specific skills?

with Marloes Muijselaar, Marije Boon and Elise de Bree - Child Development and Education Department at the University of Amsterdam

The aim of this project was to examine cognitive skills related to reading and listening comprehension, and assess which skills were shared and which were unique. You can read more about this project here.